Vacation Week 1

Looking back into some of my older sketchbooks this time! I used to draw almost exclusively “anime style” for most of high school and part of college – not that there’s anything wrong with the style, but I was definitely using it as a crutch.

I also thought it was interesting to find one of the first ideas I jotted down for Fox’s character. At the time weren’t even close to planning a webcomic, but I wanted to come up with a fox that was clearly “him” for my doodles anyway.

You can also see I “talk to myself” a lot in my sketchbook notes…!

Fox\'s avatar

Fun fact: I’ve noticed some people have very intricate and detailed avatars. I’d never bothered with a character design. Maybe because it’s my real first name, or I simply identified with only the concept of the fox, I just didn’t make one. No avatar, nothing. Thus when Mandy questioned me on what kind of cartoon fox I’d be, I said: “I dunno? Red?”

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