For those of you who attended Furthemore 2017 in Tysons Corner (hence the pun) it may look familiar. This was on the con book, but due to size restrictions, a good deal of it had to be cut or covered.
This is the full, unaltered version. Since so much work was put into it, it seemed a good image for update this week. The theme this year was ‘8-bit’, so all characters are cosplaying video game characters. Pictured are myself (Indiana Jones) and Mandy (Samus from Metroid) in the bottom right with the other Guest of Honor Latin Vixen (FF White Mage) above. Kid Icarus above Latin Vixen is attendee guest Makuus, Link and Zelda are our guest liaisons Andy and Harper (the same Harper mentioned in Boozy Badger’s blog) while the remaining actors are, from left to right:
Furthemore Director Irime Zane as the referee
Furthemore Chairman Kit Drago as Mike Tyson and
Furthemore mascot “Quoth T. Raven” as Little Mac
All characters from Mike Tyson’s ‘Punch Out’.
Mandy and I are now recovering officially. We came back to work after days off prepping for and recovering from Furthemore only to get hit with the post-vacation workload many of us are familiar with. After getting the house back in order we’re planning on taking as much time relaxing as possible. Maybe get some time on Twitch as we’re trying to play some cooperative video games.
For those of you who attended Furthemore 2017 in Tysons Corner (hence the pun) it may look familiar. This was on the con book, but due to size restrictions, a good deal of it had to be cut or covered.
This is the full, unaltered version. Since so much work was put into it, it seemed a good image for update this week. The theme this year was ‘8-bit’, so all characters are cosplaying video game characters. Pictured are myself (Indiana Jones) and Mandy (Samus from Metroid) in the bottom right with the other Guest of Honor Latin Vixen (FF White Mage) above. Kid Icarus above Latin Vixen is attendee guest Makuus, Link and Zelda are our guest liaisons Andy and Harper (the same Harper mentioned in Boozy Badger’s blog) while the remaining actors are, from left to right:
Furthemore Director Irime Zane as the referee
Furthemore Chairman Kit Drago as Mike Tyson and
Furthemore mascot “Quoth T. Raven” as Little Mac
All characters from Mike Tyson’s ‘Punch Out’.
Mandy and I are now recovering officially. We came back to work after days off prepping for and recovering from Furthemore only to get hit with the post-vacation workload many of us are familiar with. After getting the house back in order we’re planning on taking as much time relaxing as possible. Maybe get some time on Twitch as we’re trying to play some cooperative video games.