
Mandy\'s avatar

 Not all scientific inquiries really need to be answered.

Fox\'s avatar

It’s a legitimate question to discern very useful information. Think how many fewer shot glasses we’d have to clean.

27 comments on “Volumetrics

    1. Do not try put a light bulb in your mouth. Bad idea… Did I just gave you another bad idea?

      1. Yes… it is a bad idea to put a light bulb in your mouth… you might get lead or mercury poisoning.


        1. So getting that thing out of your mouth without breaking it is less problematic than poisoning? Sheesh, then good thing I just got cuts on my lips! (Yes that was stupid, never make stupid bets)

  1. Oh dear! X3 Oh Fox… You had a measuring cup, a shot glass, and a bottle, right? I imagine there were writing implements somewhere around. You could have found out without sticking the bottle in your mouth and WITHOUT spitting in the measuring cup!

    Step 1 – Pour 1/4 cup water into the measuring cup.
    Step 2 – Pour water into bottle.
    Step 3 – Mark on bottle where the 1/4 cup water comes up to. (Bottom on the meniscus, now. We want to have proper scientific technique. :P)
    Step 4 – Pour another 1/4 cup water into the measuring cup.
    Step 5 – Pour water into bottle.
    Step 6 – Mark where the water comes up to.
    Step 7 – Repeat steps 4-6 until bottle is full. Hey presto! You have a rough jury-rigged marked measuring device for liquids! 😀
    Step 8 – Pour water out of bottle.
    Step 9 – Fill mouth with shots.
    Step 10 – Expel mouth-liquids into bottle.
    Step 11 – Record data.

    Hey presto! No spit in the measuring cup, a scientific answer, AND a new handy dandy emergency measuring device! (Once it’s washed out, of course.) :3

    1. Seems way to complicated and prone to errors…
      Step 1 – Estimate on the high side how much you mouth can hold.
      Step 2 – Fill measuring cup to estimated amount.
      Step 3 – Slowly poor from the measuring cup into your mouth, until you reach full.
      Step 4 – See how much is left in the measuring cup.
      Step 5 – Subtract what is left from what you started with.
      There you have a it one very scientific measurement of how big your mouth is. But no where near as funny as the bottle in the mouth.

      1. Better still fill shot glass with water, drink into mouth, count, repeat until mouth is full

  2. LOL
    I’m drunk right now so that’s funny.
    That’s a lot of text.
    I decided to just wait until Mandy wasn’t around and find out the answer is 4.

  3. You could have used the measuring cup to put in lets say 8 oz to see if it would fit, then spit into the sink. She said no spitting in to the cup, not that you couldn’t drink from it.

    1. Pretty much what I was thinking. Put eight ounces in the cup, drink from the cup to see how much will fit in the mouth, see how much is left in the cup. Do the subtraction.

  4. So, what’s that last word? I get “How much of it disappears?” which doesn’t make much sense.

    1. He seems to have figured that if some portion of it fit in his mouth, that’s how much his mouth can hold. It’s… original thinking, alright XD

      1. Unfortunately, he forgot to take into consideration that his mouth would be open while taking the shots… Which is cheating, because you can hold more liquid in your mouth while it’s open and facing upward than you would while your mouth was closed.

  5. Couldn’t you just keep drinking water out of the shot glass, and keep count?

  6. Get around volume measurement by using weight/density.

    1) measure weight of empty glass
    2) fill mouth with water and empty the contents into glass
    3) measure weight of glass with water
    4) volume of water in mouth = weight of water / density of water (1g=1cm3)

    1. But your step 2 is forbidden. “Don’t spit in my measuring cup!”

      1. There is no requirement to use her measuring cup for the “spit receptacle”. Weigh any empty container, from a paper Dixie cup to a one-quart ice tea glass. Let’s say it weighs 250 grams (since Sloth used metric, I’ll stay with it). Fill mouth with water, spit water into glass. Now weigh glass. It now weighs 300 grams. That means 50 grams of water, which means 50ccs, which is about 1.7 ounces.

  7. I’m surprised Fox didn’t just pull a sharpie pen out and put a comma next to the word “Don’t” making it so Seley said “Don’t, spit in my measuring cup” to give him permission

  8. you guys are doing it so backward, it’s weird, the easiest way to know your mouth volume:
    1-get a water bottle which volume of water is known
    2-fill up mouth with water without spilling anything
    3-measure the remaining water in the bottle with the measuring cup
    4-original volume – measured volume = mouth volume
    and miss can’t complain cause only water from the bottle got in the cup

  9. I like how everyone has their own way to measure how to study how many shots they can hold in their mouth, and I’m just sitting here saying that he should tape a ruler to the bottle.

  10. Best way to keep shot glasses clean?

    Just drink straight out of the bottle. Boom. You won’t use a single shot glass.

  11. Of course, the EASY solution is this:
    The bottle holds sixteen ounces.
    Fox fills mouth with water from bottle.
    Fox swallows. Possibly hacking and coughing amusingly.
    Fox pours the rest of the bottle into the measuring cup.
    Fox does basic math, subtracting measuring cup volume from sixteen ounces.


    1. Point of trivia: The half-metric system here in the US makes the standard disposable water bottle 16.9 liquid ounces to match 500 ml. For these measurements, calling it 17 ounces should be good enough.

      Or, for more serious answers–just stop using shot glasses! I’ll recommend half-pint jelly jars as a starting place …that’s probably somewhere around the average person’s maximum mouthful.

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