19 comments on “Toll Dodger

  1. Robin Fox: “Kindly let me pass.”
    Little Mandy: “Uh, no. Sorry, but a toll is a toll, and a hug is a hug, and if we don’t get no tolls, then we don’t get no hugs…I made that up.”
    Robin Fox: “Fascinating. But I’m afraid I’m going to have to annoy you.”

  2. So… You didn’t have exact change for a hug, eh Fox? Makes me wonder what would’ve come of it if you’d attempted to pay the toll? *Waggles eyebrows in a manner intended to be suggestive but only comes off as comical*

  3. How could he turn that down? It’s a hug! Look how cute Mandy is!

  4. I’ve done it. Fox is not alone here.
    I’ve done this to my sister, my mom, a number of cousins…
    Odd that it’s always the girls who pull this from Mandys side, but I can say I have one uncle I’ve done this to. (Wouldn’t talk to me for days)

    You can learn a lot about a person from how they go about pouting.

  5. good choice. laying on a hard surface gets surprisingly comfy once you get used to it =w=

  6. The correct response to this is to lay on top of him, at minimum using him as a pillow.

  7. Hahahaha! This is the best example of ‘Fox is an asshole’ i’ve seen yet! Excellent 🙂

  8. Fox should’ve done it Robocop style a la “Asleep or awake, you’re coming with me.”

  9. I can do the same, when i have the feeling the best wife of all ist standing on my toes 24/7.

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