Spring Cleaning

Mandy\'s avatar

“Spring” cleaning – get it? Because they jump? I forget sometimes that those giant back feet aren’t just for show!

For the moment I’m posting comics whenever I feel like it, no promised update schedule, but I’ve started drawing more again, and I’m just focused on having fun with it. Hopefully we’ll have more to share soon! 🙂

18 comments on “Spring Cleaning

  1. YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!

    What’s your social media situation like these days? I miss when I used to see you on Twitter, I’d love to follow you on Bluesky!

  2. Yay! Welcome back! I missed reading this webcomic. I used to have gerbils myself when I was a kid, and yes, those little rascals could jump. Fortunately, most of the time they were quite calm and accustomed to being handled.

  3. I’m so happy I didn’t remove your comic from my RSS feed now. I was spring cleaning recently, and I made the conscious decision to keep Curtailed just in case you posted. I hope ya’ll are doing well!

  4. I’m so happy you’re back I’ve missed you guys and I was worried. You guys are amazing.

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