We got hitched this weekend, on the 31st! Halloween costumed wedding, hopefully everything went great (and yes we’ll share some pictures at some point)
This page was where I fleshed out some ideas for a banner, shoulder armor for my dress, a spear to carry around… pretty much most of these designs went unused. Fun thought process anyhow.
Thanks for tolerating more sketchbook pages than usual this year as we went through the planning process – even keeping it “simple,” it got to be overwhelming, and I know by the time this posts I’ll be glad to be done with it. 😀
Back to regular comics next week, hopefully with far fewer interruptions, and possibly with a few more “wedding planning” jokes we still have in our system.
Allow me to be the first (commenter) to offer you my heartfelt congratulations! Many happy returns, and may your marriage outlast the comic rather than the other way around. 🙂
Ooooooooooooh. Congratulations!!! I hope y’all had a great time.
Can’t wait for those pics! Happy Halloween and happy zeroth anniversary!
Congratulations to you and Fox! 🙂 Hope you have a very wonderful time together. 🙂
Wait, the wedding is today? Awesome! Congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations! Your anniversary is the same as my birthday!
Congrats! One good thing about getting married on Halloween: Fox should never forget your anniversary.
Actually, it’s the other way around:
I’ve never forgotten it, she’s never remembered it.
She still won’t, but now I can mock her for it all the more. :3
It’s OK; it seems to be the difference between artist v. engineer.
First, congrats!
I’m an engineer and I am really, REALLY bad at remembering dates. I can only remember one birthday besides my own, and that’s it. That extends to all other dates, including holidays and historical, work deadlines, etc. US Independence day and Halloween are the only holiday whose dates I remember (kinda hard not to).
On the other hand, I am incredibly good at remembering stats in video games.
My half-assed explanation for this discrepancy is that I have an unusual mindset towards time, age, and holidays. Basically, I really just don’t care to remember dates (nor celebrate holidays, typically). So I don’t. I didn’t fail because I never intended to succeed, see! 😉
Again, big congrats, whether one, both, or neither of you remember the date! Please continue being awesome.
It’s in my Google Calendar with reminders set at 2 weeks out, 1 week out, 2 days, 1 day, and day-of.
I’ll probably still forget… 🙂
🙂 C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-!_!_! MANDY & FOX!!! 🙂
Mazel Tov!
This is what Mandy immediately yelled right after one of the staff dropped a glass at the dinner.
It went over well.
Fast thinking.
For your wedding, somehow I suspect that we can wait a week or two. Best of wishes for you both for this happiest of occasions!
Congratulations… from another couple who got married on Halloween at 2:30 themselves! (We’ve been married for eleven hours as I write this!)
Congratulations to you too! I hope you had as great a day as we did! 😀
Married on Halloween? I gotta admit that I’m jealous.
Congratulations! Though did the entire wedding party go trick-or-treating before or after the ceremony? =D
After…you could say.
Rather than a private reception, where we all just milled about and talked to one another, we decided to go on a pub crawl, where we could show off our awesome costumes to the town.
Congrats on getting married.
Congratulations, you two! Doing a Halloween-costumed wedding is such an original idea, I hope it turned out great. Enjoy the honeymoon!
Congratulations on your nuptials. You getting married on Halloween reminds me of the joke that Dick Smothers told about his brother’s wedding. I won’t repeat it because I’m sure that Mandy doesn’t qualify to have that joke told. LOL. Anyway, good luck and may you two experience many years of wedded bliss.
Congratulations… from a couple who got married yesterday ourselves!!!
-Memprys and Little Otter
Hey! Reciprocal congratulations! I hope you guys had as great a time as we did! 😀
Congratulations, that should be an easy anniversary to remember
Congratulations 🙂
Heeeey! Congratulations are in order!
I take it the quad was a big hit then?
Just kidding. Congratulations to you both, and may your armor never tarnish!
We didn’t have the quad, but if I hadn’t remembered to put the cruiser in reverse, I’d have been driving down the hill to the wedding arch on +370 black horses.
Congrats, I hope it is amazing!
My very best wishes, and the Lord’s Blessings be with you always.
Congratulations from The Great White North! Wishing the both of you much happiness and, of course, laughter!
Cheers! \m/
CONGRATS!!! Glad things could work out for you two!
gotta hand it to ya Fox, you sure as hell know how to pick the good ones!
and thank you so much for all the laughs Mandy, you’re very talented, and lucky to have such a great way to find inspiration!
Hell, she picked me.
I ran away. I managed to stay away for 10 months.
Been reading for a long time, so I just wanted to say congratulations on the wedding, hope it was amazing and fun as you both hoped it to be.
Congrats to the pair of you, may your blades never dull and armour never rust
Congratulations on the wedding! My wife and I have been married 15 years, and we couldn’t be happier! I wish the same happiness for you two!
And I LOVE your comics! They are a great look at life from a fresh perspective. I always look forward to your updates. Thank you!
Congratulations to you both! I’m so happy for you two!
Congrats and best of luck. Stay friends.
Congrats to you both!
Congrats you two! Happy endings are awesome, happy beginnings even better!
Congratulations, you two!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! May you have centuries of happiness and tranquility. May your enemies be driven before you in shame and desolation. May your crops grow well and have no weeds. And may the seas and winds forever be astern. And may the stars shine upon you and guide you. And may the Lord bless you and keep you.
Ohmigosh, congratulations to you, Mandy and Fox!
Congratulations and blessings all over the place so you can’t walk without stepping in one…
I’m looking forward to seeing the photos, too!
Congratulations to you two.
Congrats you two! 😀