21 comments on “Shake it Off

  1. Be careful what you wish for?
    Especially when the wish does not include “and not in an asshole way?”

    1. That was the first thing I thought of when I read this strip.

    2. Love that strip! That’sthe sort of thing I would do, too!

  2. C’mon, even I knew what was going to happen as soon as you said that and I’m not even married to him. =P

    I was previously going to say it was just like asking for it… but… it actually was. So yes. It was exactly like that.

    Also, panel #1 is more adorable than a unicorn puking up rainbows after OD’ing on glitter and pixie dust. Just saying.

    1. “…more adorable than a unicorn puking up rainbows after OD’ing on glitter and pixie dust.”

      Clearly, you have never seen such a spectacle. There is nothing remotely adorable about it. And the cleanup is a nightmare!

  3. You know my bed was extremely comfortable at 4 in the morning, but a bloody nose was my Fox in this case and forced me to get up to take care of it.

    Also like Fox thinking, “hmmm… How can I be the least comfortable? I know, shake her a lot!”

  4. At last, my years of training to become a professional shaker of the salt canister has paid off…

    What am I talking about?

  5. The innocence in his eyes kills me. He knows she should have known better, and thought out how to remind her. (Kind of like a mortar simulator in Basic Training)

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