Victim of circumstance. I cycle to work very early in the morning. Very early.
So Wednesday, when the game came out, no one could play cuz the servers were being hammered.
I wasn’t trying to play during that time–I didn’t care about Pokémon.
So when I got up to bike into work at 2am, all the servers were online, and I could catch pokémon at my leisure. My usual 20 minute bike ride in took something like 2 hours because the route I took to work looked like something out of Family Circus. I was level 6 before I even got to my office, only to find out I can hit a Pokestop while standing at my desk!
Additionally, I can hit two more by walking to the meeting room across the hall.
With such nonsensical luck and bonuses at the game, I figured I’d give it a shot and keep playing. Even working full time, I was level 20 in a week.
When the popularity surged, I decided to take additional measures. 🙂 Cosplay will happen.

I’ve been a Pokéfan since the originals hit American shelves in 1998 – my enthusiasm for the franchise is pretty well documented here in our comics. Half of the fun I’ve had with Pokémon Go has just been Fox playing it. It’s awesome watching someone fall in love with one of your passions. 🙂
Heh, I unfotunately live in a more rural area so pokestops/gyms are few and far between. That being said I somehow already have all three starters and a lapras.
That’s awesome that you two can play! Sounds like you’re having fun with it!
Good thing you have a convenient spot. I heard one guy fell 50-90 feet while playing that. And survived, somehow.
I tried going on a walk today to catch some more, but only 10 minutes in the servers crashed (and always just as I’m trying to catch a Paras! I wonder when I’ll finally catch one). Guess I’ll try tomorrow.
I started playing Pokemon all the way back with Sapphire, when I was 8. Because of this, I’ve had a lot of trouble with the extreme lack of information and odd type matchups, lack of abilities and inability to have my team hold items in my recently purchased copy of Yellow. I’ve kept playing Nintendo through the years and while I don’t get as hyped as Mandy I still anticipate buying Moon when it comes out. My brother and I have a deal: we each get a different game and starter. I have less preference so he gets his choice of game, but I’ve liked what I’ve gotten so far. (Sapphire, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, Black 2, X, Alpha Sapphire, Moon when it comes out.) I also like that while Solgaleo shares typing with Jirachi (a somewhat rare Pokemon), Lunala shares its typing with Hoopa (available in Japan only).
Excellent drawings of the Pokemon as well! I suppose the Gen I Pokemon may be simpler, but it’s still very good. And I can’t believe you found a NidoranF. I got my only one from an egg, a trait many of my Pokemon share, especially the Tentacool given I live in a mountainous area.
My interest is waning a little due to the combination of server madness, pokeball starvation, and the utter impossibility of holding a gym for more than six seconds. Seriously, what’s the point of powering up my pokemon when I can already EASILY take down any gym in the city (and they can just as easily take it back)?
You get XP every time you take it. The game is designed so that no one group can hold a gym and keep it. What would be the point of building a game with gyms if 10 people could dominate it against everyone else?
The attackers always have the advantage, so don’t get too attached to your gyms. They will be taken. Just look at them as ways to get XP.
What else are ya gonna do with all those potions?
Whel shure my “Pokeservers” Don’t cooperate in my phone… Darn its very bad
So, out of curiosity, are both of you on team mystic or did Mandy choose a different team?
We’re both Mystic. Mandy has always played ‘red’ everything in Pokemon, but I ended up being the first one poised to choose a side.
I did this at 4am, on my bike, in the dark, sitting next to a fountain in an apartment complex Thursday morning wonder WTF the game was asking me.
So I picked the one that looked like a sword with wings. :p
Also, wisdom, and blue cuz I only usually wear blue.
Haha alright, but how did Mandy come to choose team mystic if she always goes for red? I’m guessing you convinced her?
Eh, I got over it. Wanted to play co-op with Fox.
I saw a video of a large group of people in Central Park and when a Vaperion appeared nearby, it was like a stampeding herd of herbivores
This was brought up, and I worry about kids getting trampled in stuff like this.
Ah, the things you miss by NOT being interested in Pokemon. (Please don’t throw things at me. I’m a good guy, REALLY. LOL.)
I have mixed feelings about Pokemon Go.
I… have mixed feelings about Pokemon in general. 🙁 Feels like dog-fighting for kids; just, not with real dogs.
Welcome to MY world. I’ve never seen the fascination with it. But, then, I’m an old, OLD soul. Plus, I’ve never been too hep on video games.
Fox: All in or not at all.
Honestly, I hope the livery on the Charger is exact.
If a game’s worth playing it’s worth playing TOO THE XTREEM!
Remember how you said in one of those previous comics that Pokémon Go “can’t possibly live up to the hype”? So far it looks like it only got even more hype once it came out.
I can relate somewhat to Fox in this one. I have absolutely no interest in pokemon. However, I’d be willing to do whatever the woman I loved wanted me to do to make her happy. (Well, almost anything. LOL.)
Jesus Fox, team Mystic?
I thought you where gonna be a team Valor comrade like me!
I’m too much like Batman to have chosen anything but wisdom.
Go hunt your Pokemon. I’m getting Disney emojis. Gotta get the classic characters and the most recent ones.
I was at the range today – I can’t wait to see what people do when there’s a Vaporon 75 yards out at the 100 yard firing line, you just know it’s gonna happen…
It’s a 100 m radius circle that you can find Pokemon in. Most people will just stand just behind the firing line.
Keyword being “most”. 🙂
All right, 50m *behind* the firing line.
I think Lucario is right; they be “just” behind the firing line. People be oblivious! (and entertaining. ;-))
Well, better behind than in front of, although, knowing a lot of the, uh, half-wits today, they think no one can get hurt in front.
I have not played Pokemon Go, but it does look like a lot of fun.
I think I would just spend all my time looking for Haunter, though. XD
Pretty easy to find. Or you can get large amounts of Gastlies.
Wow this costume in the Comic Looks so awesome.
Please tell me you try to make something like that in Real life. if so,please make Photos 😀
relevant link…
(I could see Fox doing that… if he hadn’t fallen down the rabbit-hole himself.)
I love Fox’s getup on this page XD
The best part is that I wouldn’t doubt if he already had that actual outfit in real life.
If not that actual outfit, he does have one similar. Remember, at the Katsucon, her wore an outfit from Pokemon and it looked very similar to this one.
Ha! Legitimately cracked up with this one. Mystic4Life
My area is full of Pokestops and people with lures absolutely everywhere. (I’m sure my building security guard is setting them up constantly at his desk, where there is a stop) Downside: Four of the nine nearby Pokemon are usually Drowzee. I have 45 of them. Numbered! Also, Valor. Woo!
Hook, Line, Sinker, Rod, Reel, Chair and 10 feet off the stern of the boat… Sounds like Fox all right. 😉 This is why I’ve been mightily resisting.
Sara went Valor. I got to level ten and didn’t see much of a point. Now I just drive her around from here to there and let her catch stuff in Fort Washington. We had a two hour grocery trip today. Meaning about 20 actual minutes in the store and the rest in a poke-stop cycle.
You know, I pretty sire this only became the viral storm that it is because it’s the one Internet fad which encourages people to go outside.