Figured my birthday was a good time to post this comic about getting older? I make excellent dietary decisions, and I learned my lesson completely from this (just kidding I did not).
Still not updating on any specific schedule – just when I feel like it – but I’m enjoying getting back into drawing lately and hope y’all enjoy the comics 🙂
Welcome back! Always love your comics, whenever they show up.
I hate getting old… used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, but now if I look at some things funny… it hurts.
You have my sympathies. I too dislike the thought that I am getting older. Despite the fact that I’m only 30.
Welcome back. Hope to see more in the future.
You have my sympathies. I too dislike the thought that I am getting older. Despite the fact that I’m only 30.
You’re only as old as you feel. By that metric, I must be early in my 3rd millennium…
Well then.youre immortal. Congratulations.