This past week they announced the eighth generation of core Pokemon games, and as usual I’m super excited! Core Pokemon RPG on the Switch is going to be so cool! When I rushed to tell Fox the news, he was so excited he went right to sleep!
I tried something different/a little more dramatic with the lighting here. Been reading a lot of comic books/comic drawing advice lately (if you’re not following Tips from Jesse Hamm on Twitter, I highly recommend it!), this strip seemed like a great excuse to play with higher contrast and solid blacks. I’m really happy with that second panel!
I absolutely love Mandy’s expression in the third panel
Ack, I meant fourth panel!
no locks in the universe (maybe the multiverse) could stop a Pokemon hyped kitty trying to get to their fox. They will vibrate through the wall if they have to.
Being nocturnal myself, I feel for Fox.
Is it wrong I learn more about the newest Pokemon generation from Mandy’s excited squee comics, than anywhere else?
I’m Diurnal but I have to do the earplugs and a night mask because both of my roomies are nocturnal and loud, constantly turning the bedroom light on randomly while I’m asleep and generally being putzes. So I do feel for the Noccies in the daytime.
“4. Be informed on next Pokemon game release…”
Also, I like how you colored the strip Mandy
(It helps me to color a sketch as well)
You actually wear earplugs?
I just turn a fan on, which generates white noise to cancel out all that other noise. I got a friend who works a night shift that does the same thing.
it does have limits, used to work graveyard shift and come home, eat supper, lay down and have a freight train run behind my house…every day…
They now fly over ours–several times a day–due to recent flight-plan changes…
Sadly, white noise doesn’t cancel out other noises–it just masks it. If the other noise is louder–or certain frequencies–you still hear it.
Certainly frequencies can get through earplugs (as I’ve learned, trying to sleep in a room with a 3D printer) but far less than those near D.C. that can get through a simple white noise generator, such as barking dogs outside, large trucks, aircraft flying DIRECTLY overhead, neighbors children ‘walking’ on their heels, and other assorted annoyances that are quickly evaporating my sanity.
AAA! Just found your comic and it’s so cute! Love your Art Style!
I bet you got the zoomies.
I need to get blackout curtains myself. I’m diurnal, but when it snows, there’s a street lamp that gets a perfect reflection in the middle of the night to sneak right around my blinds and shine right in my face. Also, pretty hyped for Sword and Shield myself. Definitely going Scorbunny … but then, I almost always pick the Fire starter.
Snow is beautiful…
…at night.
–Sufferer of photophobia
Snow is beautiful ALL the time!
-Mid-Antlantic-er that moved to Montana for the weather.
Damn it, *Atlantic. Stupid beer…
I can’t wait for Sword and Shield. I haven’t played a true Pokemon game since blue… two years ago. Pokemon Let’s Go doesn’t count.
Oooooh, I can’t wait to see what they added to the 150.
I was waiting for this comic to come out! :p I was like Let’s see Mandy’s reaction again.
This doesn’t belong to me but whoever drew this has to be right what would your reaction be if the Starter evolutions were
I had similarly excited people to squee with when the announcement came out, so I managed to get away with it 😛 But so much waitiiiiiiiing. I’m working through my pokemon wait by picking up Ultra Moon again, breeding up 7 generations of top-tier starters to give away to people in celebration.
That fourth panel has been me about anything related to “Silent Hill.” ^_^
You’ve been pretty sad the last few years, then, haven’t you? (Stupid Konami.)
To say the least, they have *not* been kind…
Agrees wholeheartedly
Fox is now my spirit animal.
Heh…having worked nights for most of my adult life, I can sympathize. It’s worse when you have kids.
The locks are only as strong as the door frame and the walls it is mounted in.
I can vouch for that. Broke down my bathroom door as a teen, not realizing the damage it’d do.
Oh, I’m aware. Someone kicked in our front door recently.
I’m considering replacing the entire door-frame with steel, bolting directly into the concrete.
Do it!! And use a Police Lock with it.
I have LEVELS of grief knowing I only just found out about this comic today
There are things that bother me, because I relate, and it’s driving me insane, not that I’m not already, but it bewilders my harebrained thoughts.
Bamboozled again INTERNETS.
She still raves to this day about the new pokemon, and Fox hasn’t gotten any sleep since.