Hello! It’s been a while! I don’t know if you’ve been keeping up with the news but a whole lot is going on and I got a little distracted adjusting to the “new normal.” I hope you and your loved ones are well and adjusting as best you can!
A while ago I was down for about a week with a migraine – no, it wasn’t COVID-19, but still inspired this little strip (and Fox did kindly keep me stocked with sandwiches, snacks, and aspirin while I was out of commission).
I have no idea what the update schedule will be like right now, but I intend to keep drawing and sharing comics here and on Twitter! Thanks for reading and stay healthy 🙂
Sorry Mandy, Ted needs that sandwich more than you.
Happy sandwich ham.
A WEEK-LONG MIGRAINE?!? Lordy that must’ve been a bad week for you!! (…and Fox. ;-)) Sounds like you have gotten better though and I am thankful for that!
…and Ted looks quite happy. 😉
As someone who’s mom suffers from long migraines…yeah, it’s awful. It affects the whole family too, because we’re all tiptoeing around, whispering, no yardwork, no shop work, nothing that makes noise.
I know how you feel… I get Cluster headaches, and those are a b$#&!… Hope you are doing better though!!!
I love your Spiderman/Deadpool comic! Plus I just noticed Deadpool’s swords have tiny masks too XD amazing!!
Hmmm… Grilled-cheese sandwich, om nom nom
Shouldn’t this also be tagged “Fox is an asshole”?
Because now Mandy has no sandwich.
See, I was under the impression that he just made more sandwiches. Why did you assume that was her sandwich?
Because it’s Fox? I mean, I know the *real* Fox would never do something like that to a sick Mandy, but comic Fox is more of an asshole, and totally would.
“Fox is clueless” might be better. “Asshole” is for when he does something mean(ish) -on purpose-. 🙂
Fox knew what he was doing
Hi, Fox! 🙂 Because Mandy appears to be reaching for the sandwich in the 2nd panel, I ass-u-me-d Ted’s sandwich was -another- sandwich -like- Mandy’s. 🙂
It is.
From the look of it it seems to be “man flu”. But migrane is bad. I hope you will find a good treatment.
Glad to hear it wasn’t COVID. Migraine headaches suck, especially the long ones. So far I have managed to avoid the COVID-no small miracle since Arizona is/was the recent hotspot. As of today, the Arizona Department of Health Services reported 91,863 cases in Maricopa County and 13,058 cases in Pima County (where I live). Hospitals in Phoenix and Tucson are running close to max capacity and the medical examiner’s offices in both counties are prepared to store bodies awaiting pickup from the funeral directors once/if a crush of deaths overwhelms the storage capacity of the funeral homes and hospital morgues.
Sumatriptan is my roughly twice a year savoir when migraines flatten me like a pancake:
Both of you please stay safe and healthy.
I would like a basket of chips,
A beef chimichanga with a side of sour cream
I would like some guacamole on my chimichanga
With a quesodilla of tomato, onion, and vegetables
I should like a burrito with beans, beef, and
I would like a carne asado taco
Could you put some hot sauce on that for me?
No, inside the taco, not on the side
Yes, can I have a carne asado taco?
Not a pollo asado, we don’t have chicken
Do you have guacamole?
Can you make me some guacamole?
Ok, on my burrito I would like the muchaco beef and the shredded pork
And some more cheese, please
Thought… No one has asked just what Fox put inside Ted’s sandwich! (Looks pretty much like peanut butter to me. 🙂 )
Hey, Fox! Do you still have that recipe/instructions for making Hardtack? 🙂
The link is still there at the site of the comic in question, but here it is: http://urbansurvivalsite.com/make-your-own-hardtack/ And no, I’m not /that/ Fox. But you weren’t specific 🙂
Thanks, ThisFox! That was so long ago that I had no idea what strip it was on. 🙂
This needs to be tagged Fox is an Asshole