33 comments on “Hit It

  1. Depending on what kind of light switches you have, this can be a valid strategy.

  2. I do this with my wife. She finds it as funny as you do probably. Of course the alternate version is “turn on the light” and me saying, “Wow what a slender switch you have” and “I love your curves”.

    1. Best be ready with a smart response for the day your wife installs a remote switch for the light and turns it on when you do that.. or hell, install one so you can turn it on after your one liner…

  3. My friend’s son: “Make me a hamburger!”
    My friend: “POOF! You’re a hamburger!”

    (really happened)

    1. Don: “Call me a cab.”
      Cosmo: “Okay, you’re a cab.”

      Singin’ In The Rain (1952)

      1. 🙂 Waay too long since I saw that movie. I remember almost nothing about it, ‘cept Fred(?) dancing around a lamp post in the rain. 🙂

  4. I once had a teacher who told me to “pull up your socks”, so, being a daydreaming, yet literal minded kid, I pulled my socks up… took me years to realise why I got in trouble for doing as the teacher said.

    Basically, there are some very literal minded, non jokers, out there, who, if you ask us to do something, will do exactly as you ask, and then look confused/hurt, when you tell us to stop being smart (which is also a stupid phrase).

    1. I had never heard that expression until today. Had to Google it. So I guess I would have gotten in trouble too.

    2. Well, they’re being nice when they say that. They don’t want to say, “Don’t be a smartass.” But, I get that phrase all the time. I have a relatively quick mind, as well as wit, and I respond to things said quicker than most people can think. LOL.

    3. Never heard of that one. Looked it up, apparently it’s a Britishism. I would have been baffled.

      1. Yeah, Australians have taken a lot of sayings from the British.

        1. Yay Britishisms! We have the best isms 🙂

          Pull your socks up is politer than get your ass into gear, but I can see how it’s more obtuse!

          1. Nah, I reckon that Australians have the best isms, we take from countries here and there (particularly the British Isles), add our own stuff, and voila, language no one else can understand.

        2. And sometimes they get exported back the other direction.

          I grew up on a ranch, and there were plenty of sheep around. Calling someone a dagg wasn’t unheard of.

    4. Weird, I had plenty of Teachers say that to me, but they did mean it literally, as it was against the school uniform code to wear our socks saggy

  5. Well, Seley, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you exchanged vows with that man. But, I do wonder what Fox would have done had you not stopped him. LOL.

  6. At least you’re not dealing with catchphrases someone invented and expects the world to understand. I once asked my boss what brand of power drill he’d prefer we get, and he replied, “Buy the Binford.”
    To explain: Binford is a fictional brand from an old TV series, which used Sears Craftsman brand tools with the logos changed as props. My boss was an avid fan of that TV series, so “Binford” meant “Craftsman.”

    1. I guess your boss had a home improvement project that needed more power.

      1. My father-in-law actually has a Binford jacket.

        At least your boss is consistent in his metaphor.

  7. I’ve heard that old expression ‘Punch out your lights’ which usually means something else. Florescent or incandescent?

  8. I remember “Get Smart,” when they introduced Hymie the Robot. Max didn’t yet know Hymie was a robot and would take everything literally, so as they’re leaving the closet where they were sharing information, Max says; “Hymie, kill the light.” and walks out. Hymie pulls out his silenced automatic and… kills the light.

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