30 comments on “Flying Fortress

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen… The peek of evolution this world has to offer…

  2. You all are far more tolerant than I. After I found myself in the middle of about 30,000 bees as they were moving from one hive to another (i wasn’t stung just terrified by an unbelievably loud hum and them flying all around my head), I have a fear of anything that flies near my head. Flies, bees, wasps or mosquitoes, if it flies my instinct is to run and flee. I’m not ashamed of this, it is a trained reflex from a traumatic experience. So if we are ever walking down the street and I suddenly take off, not only do you know why, but realize you are on your own.

    1. The worst HAVE to be junebugs! Those little buggers seem to have absolutely no sense of where they’re going and god forbid if you have long hair (which I do) and they get entangled in it after hitting you in the head!

      1. Yeah, Junebugs really are annoying.
        I like to say that, “Junebugs can’t actually fly! They can just fall in multiple (gravity defying) directions!”

    2. That is a gross overestimation of bees. Even though BEES ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN AND CAN ONLY BE KILLED WITH BULLETS MADE OF SOULS

    3. I’ve stood in the middle of a working bee farm as well, when I was maybe 12 or 13. To me, it was no big deal. I guess it’s a matter of preparation: I knew what was coming ahead of time, while it sounds like maybe you didn’t?

      Anyway, with a phobia like that, you’d never survive a Deep South US summer. The Lovebugs can get so thick, they sound like rain hitting the window of your house. In some places, you actually have to slow down driving, because they act like a light fog (not to mention having to use your wipers to clear the bug guts off). I’ve seen Junebugs, and while they’re annoying, nothing can compare to the sheer density of a Lovebug mating flight.

  3. It’s funny how bugs change from place to place. Back in Alberta if you heard a buzzing it was “omigawdomigawdomigawd a wasp omigawd!”
    Now you hear a buzzing it’s like “omigawdomi-oh. It’s just you frank. C’mon. Lets go feed the spider.”
    That spider got lazy. Stopped fixing her web X3

    1. None of the spiders in our house are big enough to stop a Frank.
      I’ve seen a Frank fly into a web, crash half way through it, and then rip himself out of the other half.
      The best analogy I can give of the spider’s reaction is someone quietly sipping coffee in a Starbucks only to suddenly dive out of the way as a truck drives through it.

      1. I’ve never been a witness to either of those situations; but, I can envision it and, believe me, I got a good giggle out of it.

        1. I’m a big fan of the TruTV TV shows Most Shocking and other shows like that. I’ve watched those shows and seen things like Fox described on there numerous times.

  4. I remember when I used to live in Alabama, there was a huge problem with Those Fucking bugs. Even in Downtown Birmingham they would spread like wildfire, and the worst thing was is we also had mother fucking JUNEBUGS!, those little shits are fucking annoying like gnats where they would just buzz along in your ears and you would freak the fuck out. Well, at least they are better than FUCKING HORNETS!

  5. Can I say that many of those bugs serve no purpose in life? They don’t provide anything for anyone, I get that they are food for another species but come on, should we ask god why JuneBugs and Stink Bugs exist?

  6. My dad and I call those bugs “Replicators” after the robot bugs from Stargate SG-1. We always just scoop them out of windows or doors when they come around. They can be persistent when they want in. I remember my dad seals up his house when they are most active. We saw they only gathered on his screen door then because I had been going in and out a lot that day, but all the other windows and doors were clear.

  7. Luckily, we don’t seem to get many pests in the house, though I’ve heard of scorpions and flying ants wreaking havoc around here. I’ve become good friends with a few species of spiders, and I let them hang around to take care of the bigger, badder nasties (black widows especially). Once they’re about an inch in diameter, they get to live in the back yard.

  8. I love your description of Frank’s flying technique, Fox. I say pretty much the same thing about gnats, except that I include that they look for your eyes and hover just in front of them, especially if you’re trying to read or watch TV.

  9. Keep the lid on the pot when you’re cooking spaghetti sauce, or you’ll get a few extra meatballs.
    Tomato-red bugs… Frankly, scarlet.

      1. I would have figured the first or second was the dragonfly. They can hover, have long tails, and can even fly backwards.

  10. I wasn’t sure on the last page, but now I can tell these are the same bugs my family calls “Louie.” Good ol’ Louie.

  11. I live in a house that is a textbook example of all sorts bug breeding grounds but surprisingly enough there is only a few starved spiders in the corners

  12. BTW, who is the lady sitting next to Mandy? Is she Mandy’s sister, Fox’s sister, or just a neighbor lady.

  13. Whoa cool! You hand draw and scan. Neat. Never knew that, figured that was the case with the art style, but never had actual proof of that show up on the page…

    … looks like someone dropped a tailfur on the scanner. 😛

  14. Heh, makes me think of a Boeing Chinook taking off 🙂 Also, i’d rather take on any flying insect that the U.S. has to offer over the Scottish midge. They are the reason that the west coast is sparsely inhabited. Tiny they may be, but they swarm in their billions in summer and will bite you anywhere including in your nose and ears. I once stopped in Kinlochleven to look for a chippie and they were in my earholes after about 20-30 seconds despite the fact that i still had my motorbike helmet on! Garghh!!

  15. “Just flap their wings and see what happens.”

    Reminiscent of the Soviet space program haha

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