This comic is part of a story arc about our invitation to Katsucon 2016!
Click here to go to the start of this story arc!
You can see all of the Katsucon comics here!

Okay, THIS time there are some specific characters to spot. Have fun! 🙂

Late update, as I was taking a tour of the county jail (voluntary – just visiting) Friday night, and went on a police ride-along the next day, so I wasn’t focusing on putting up comments just yet. ^_^
This is marked as ‘reality-inspired’, because the only thing I didn’t do was shield slam people. It was, however, very useful getting people the hell out of the way. Holding up a 2’x4′ steel shield gets someone’s attention, especially when you’re crossing through an endless flow of foot traffic. (Anyone that’s been to a con knows what I’m talking about)
For those who didn’t pay attention when I barked, “EYES FORWARD!”, “ONE SIDE!” or “MAKE A HOLE!” they made a short, metallic thud as they bounced off the shield.
This comic was either getting called “Crowd Control” or “Shields Up!”, but while the latter sounded better, the shield looked too far down in the comic. 🙂
Great Bladestorm reference. Is that the same Deadpool from the Casino Table, along with Pikachu Kigurimi and hat wearing guy from the Long Line? The only other anime references I really noticed is DBZ, Trigun Wolfwood, and maybe Witch Hunter Robin. I stopped really following anime in the early 2000s.
That sure sounded like a challenge to Fox. You should know better, Mandy…but then you did get through!
I can hear Fox now:
“What? That’s what it’s designed for! They made train cow-catchers to be shaped like shields, not the other way around!”
Oh and at least Mandy knows to run with her spear pointed backwards. No unauthorized skewering!
Top right in panel 1, I’ve spotted Jesus
i think thats from trigun, nick wolfwood is the character, thats his punisher i believe.
(might be wrong)
No, it’s definitely Jesus
Actually I think that’s Vash carrying Wolfwood’s cross….
Depending what you wanna read into his characterization, guessing “Jesus” for Vash and/or Wolfwood ain’t too far off, so I’m gonna say everybody’s correct in this thread. 😀
Mandy’s 3rd-degree black belt in diplomacy is showing again.
That is Vash from Trigun. I recognize the hair.
Shhhhhh… Don’t be jelly that we have found the wun Jesus first. :3
This reminds me of the Mythbusters finale.
On this week’s episode of ‘Bowling For Cosplayers’…
Is Fox aware that either his badge holder is empty or his badge appears to be completely blank and see-through?
Missed that during cleanup, thanks 🙂
A classic shield rush. A vital skill in close combat.
All of the specifics I see are Sailor Moon; Maka Albarn (Soul Eater); priest guy from TriGun; SSJ Son Goku; Simon the Digger (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann); Pikachu; and Deadpool
I also see a Buster Sword off in the distance 😛
Plus I see what looks like a tommygun and the Riddler’s staff.
i see you rolled high on your bull rush
Perk of having a high level Tank in your party: can charge through ads like they’re nothing.
Even TV ads?
too bad it doesn’t help the 30 minutes of ads at the movies.
Was gonna say something like that but you beat me to it.
On the left side of the last panel, the horse looks like Phil from “Nine to Nine”. BTW, Fox, I’m glad to see you’ve found a use for you armor besides your wedding suit.
Another interpretation of the third panel:
“In their tongue he is Vulahkiin: Vulpine borne…”
There was a fair bit of that going on too at the con. People walk looking at their feet…or run without watching where they’re going.
were shouted from time to time.
I worked security as a volunteer at Dragon*Con 2015 last year and I had to do plenty of that in the high traffic areas. There was one area that was a Faraday Cage that was one such place where 3 different hotel routes converged, so it was impossible to contact Base when there was a problem XD
On top of that it was a pretty popular photo shoot spot (when there weren’t people lying down in the floor trying to blend in the carpet pattern in the Marriot -_-“)
I was actually sent out one time to make sure a couple other members of security were there since nobody could contact them.
So you saw the Dragoncon camo snipers.
Several, yes. The most interesting thing was that it was also my first time attending and the importance of the hotel’s carpet was hinted at before hand, but it was still quite surprising every time I saw them!
“MAKE A HOLE AND MAKE IT WIDE!!” is the usual ‘someone important needs to get someplace cry. usually when the bartender needs to get more drinks from the bathroom stash…
For more casual crowd-clearing, “Out of my way I’m gonna puke!” is good, though this demands you terminate your run in a washroom.
always liked a yell I heard once. “MOVE OR WEAR BOOT PRINTS!”
Hey, if it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid!
Recognizing Fox’s dislike of people in general (with exceptions, of course) it does not surprise me that his skills in CC would be incredible.
Character Bio
Name = Fox
Class = Battle – Mage
Combat Style = High AOE, High CC, Pusher
Description = Best when used in conjunction with alcohol, Fox is adept at dealing with large crowds of enemies using his AoE spells and/or incredible powers of smarminess and assholery. Gains critical strike bonus against bunnies. See here =
Dislikes = Idiots, Rules
Weaknesses = Caffeine
How are we going to get through this?
STAND BEHIND BRAUM and move like the herd. Because my shield is here for you.
I know this isn’t Diablo III but Fox just went full Crusader right there.