
Mandy\'s avatar

When we play computer games I really like playing big, tanky characters who can take a lot of hits. Maaaybe I get a little careless sometimes! I did get out of this boss fight alive, but I also learned to start using cover a bit more.

I also tried to just have fun with the colors in this one and I really like how it turned out.

(For other Warframe players, this is the teralyst on Cetus, he’s … very big to have snuck up on me like that!)

Fox\'s avatar

I should probably have something funny to say about this. Maybe I’ll update it when I wake up. I think my delivery in the moment was pretty good.
And yes, that’s Ivara; easily my favorite frame. I know how to use plenty of others, and while many are faster in both speed and slaughter, none are as versatile as her.
I also play Khora, Protea, Saryn and Octavia, depending on the task and my mood.

On the topic of video games, we do currently play several days a week at 8pm EST over at Twitch. You can find the link in the top right. Turn on notifications and there ya go! You won’t even encounter any ads right now! 😉

5 comments on “Confidence

  1. Oh hi Terry! Fancy meeting you here.

    Also, Titania is best frame – I don’t make the rules

  2. oooh is that a lex i see seley using? definitely one of my old favourites =)
    also – taking cover is for people who arent nigh on invulnerable – gotta send those mobs a message XD

  3. I’m not one for using cover – I prefer the “going in all guns blazing and getting your friend shot in the arse” approach!

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