Voila, context for Fox’s photos a few weeks ago. 🙂

It should be noted that this was at the stage of the wedding planning where I expected to purchase armor. As you’ve seen, I’ve since been making it instead, saving tons and learning more. The money saved is reinvested into tools which will allow even more projects…but I think we’ll wait a bit after this one.
On a completely different note: YARRRR! Tis be tha day we talk like sea dogs!

Ah, and I forgot to mention this in this space – Fox and I were drafted into the current Precocious storyline! Alternate-universe versions of Fox and Seley have been tending bar at The Winchester, the latest business to be hit by the Poppinstock kids suspicious schemes… go check it out, if you’re not already a Precocious fan!
What’s your coat of arms?
Looks like metal and leather…
A Hammer crossed with a Marker over a Fox and Leopard Rampant
I love Mom’s expression in the final panel! 😀
The best part is her expression in contrast to every other character in the panel.
Comedy comes in two flavors: Contrast and familiarity.
Either it’s funny because you know exactly what they’re talking about, or because it was unexpected.
I’m better at the latter. 🙂
That must be why she wants to marry you. You do the unexpected and keep life interesting by making her laugh and everyone knows if you can make a woman laugh, and keep doing it, she’ll love you forever.
Awesome! Is Seley’s dress equally amazing?
You’ll have to wait and see!
Is it an armored dress?
A friend of mine had his wedding with a Star Wars theme, or so I’m told.
So, your wedding will involve rescuing a damsel in distress? Knight marries the princess?
At least you can wear the suit again, for cosplay and LARP anyway. (Although you will get a lot of people asking if you’re hot in that suit, even more than in a normal suit.)
“So, your wedding will involve rescuing a damsel in distress? Knight marries the princess?”
As for LARP, from what I understand of it, I can’t use any of this stuff. Research taught me I’ve a few friends who SCA, but that’s out. I’m not building armor that’s tactical. It’s tacti-cool. The only thing I’d have to fend off is cosplayers.
Real armor is round. Deflection of blows. I’m told SCA calls the popular ‘Great Helm’ worn by the Templars a ‘landing pad’. Cuz it’s flat on top and a perfect strike point for weapons.
So functional, tactical armor forces you to look like a walking, metal condom.
Well Mandy is a damsel, and she will be in dis dress…
I like this wedding already.
what cracks me up is that the dad doesn’t seem bothered or surprised at all unlike the mom.
Fox should totally go as Link, then when the vows come just shout out randomly. Next you have to forge the Zoras sapphire. :3
It is happening too fast, but Curtailed is becoming my favorite webcomic.
I love mom’s reaction to the picture. Fox is so typically male here, he’s even funnier than usual. Dad’s reaction looks like he’s thinking, “Hmm. Why didn’t I think of that?”
OH NO!!! Yesterday was the “dress like a pirate, get a dozen donuts free” at Krispy Kreme!
And if you only YAARRRR!!! at them, you can get one free.
Sorry ye missed it, but some of us have not a Krispy Kreme within 200 nautical miles. :'( Ah, well. Mayhaps the next year will bring ye favor and ye may … acquire … a mess of those great delicacies. {P-)?
Aye … but mayhaps the fates have decreed rightfully so that such fried doughy goodness be not fer me tongue this year …
I’m afraid I’m a wee bit too fond of me figure XD
Not gonna make your own sword? Tisk tisk.
Regardless of what actually happens at the ‘real’ wedding, this is wonderful comic fodder! (…and probably a good tension reliever for Seley and Fox as well!) 🙂
I see I’m not the only one who thought armor in place of a tuxedo would be awesome. Given I would have to hire someone to forge it since I have literally no skill in metal working. But I do have a sword I inherited from my grandfather. And I have my coat of arms so the tabard will be accurate as well.
Neither did I, until I did.
Technically I’m not ‘forging’ anything. I’m metal shaping. Same thing bodyshops do. The metal is already in sheets; I’m just manipulating it.
If I had to haul ore down from the mountains to forge into ingots we wouldn’t get married for another 10 years.
That armor “suits” well to Fox’s personality.
We need “ar-more” comics like this.
Why are you “wedding” Fox get a get a suit like that?
*Slaps myself in them face*
Ha i love Seley’s ma’s ‘wat’ face 😀
Actually, I’d say that look is more of a “Don’t you dare!” look. LOL.
Hmm… I would go completely opposite. I really don’t care what I look like so if I made a suit of armor, it could be out of paper
Finally, we see what foxes entry in the last sketchbook hiatus was building up to! Here’s hoping fox will post more production pics…
I love Seley’s expression versus Mom’s expression. I guess fox hasn’t spent enough time around the new parents yet.
These reactions are hilariously perfect.
Mandy nails it every single time.
Is it bad the when everyone else was like “Yah! Dresses and Armor!” that my first thought was “Omg that was such a cool couch design! It allow the Fur to sit with their tails going out the back!”
Well we never said you were sane
Nothing Cray Z about admiring the details in the art. Especially when everyone else seems to be more focused on other things. I know I missed that little nuance.
i find weaving chainmaile to be an interesting and productive hobby, but the idea of making a whole suit is quite the daunting task for a beginner
im still working on the intermediary step of moving up from necklaces and bracelets to armoring a plush animal.
IMO chain mail would probably be more difficult. Or at least more time consuming.
Plate is surprisingly easy, once you get the right tools. You learn a lot of autobody repair techniques by accident in the process, since that’s basically what you’re doing.
it depends on the material, steel is very slow to work with, but using a spool of aluminum electric fence wire i can produce sheets of very light and shiny maile pretty quickly. for the most part sheets aren’t useful, but in this case it could be a good decorative trim, or flexible fill over bendy areas that would otherwise be bare
I found the aluminum too weak to withstand being sat upon without bending and losing rings. A shame, considering weight/maintenance.
I’m sure if I tried weaving chainmail I’d get quicker at it, but it’s tedious. I’ve higher STR than DEX. I can take a sheet of 18ga cold mild steel sheet and cut out plate armor really quickly.
The only time consuming parts are parts with compound curves, but I’m not using a lot of those. PVC pipe, a belt and some muscle do fine for me.
Everything else is fed through the bead roller.
Which is exactly what I should be doing right now.
loosing rings is an issue, ive been trying for a while to figure out an effective way of permanently sealing the gaps- traditional riveted maile would be insanity, but ive found important spots can be reinforced with just a tap of gel superglue to make sure the rings don’t pop apart. i admit, i hadn’t thought about it having to be sat on though, that adds different forces
i also have far greater STR then DEX- part of why i can do aluminum so quickly, i can bend it by hand instead of using pliers.
how do you use the PVC and belt? id love to see some kind of progression on your project as much as id like to see the finished product
A bit like a ratchet around a barrel.
I made a chain maille shirt a while back. Used 14 gauge galvanized steel, weaving it into half inch rings. I just butted the ends together and due to the small size of the rings, ive never lost a single one, even through arduous home movie combat. Alternatively, if you are looking for form, and not function, PVC pipe can be cut into rings then melted closed again. If you buff the edges, and add a silver spray paint finish, it looks awesome, is durable enough to be used in training combat, and lightweight too! (This is what they used for the 2005 chronicles of Narnia film.)
Yeah, I’m not insane enough to make chain. I’m just gonna stick to making plate.
Don’t say things like that, out loud. Everybody’s going to want you to fix the dents in their cars.